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nursespatients are greeted by a friendly member of the office staff who will register the patient, assist with signing of forms and answer questions regarding billing or insurance coverage. A highly qualified and caring staff provides emotional and physical support to put patients at ease and assist them throughout their visit.


The Eastside Endoscopy Center's commitment to excellence is reflected in the qualifications of its entire medical staff. EEC physicians are experts in the broad field of diagnosis and management of patients with gastrointestinal diseases. Endoscopy is also an essential part of this process.

Nurses and endoscopic technicians at Eastside Endoscopy are also committed to the overall care of patients with special emphasis placed on patient comfort, privacy and education.

Registered nurses and licensed practical nurses provide personalized pre and post procedure teaching specific to the patient's and family's needs. Teaching aids are encouraged and used. If needed, home care referrals are arranged for the patient in order to provide continuity of care.

The day after the procedure, an EEC nurse calls each patient to follow up on his or her progress and answer any questions they may have.